Social Media Marketing How To Optimize Your Social Media Profiles

Almost every brand is turning towards social media as it is the most cost-effective way to increase brand awareness and market your products or services. However, just being present on social media alone is never going to be helpful if you don’t know how to optimize it or maintain it. Optimizing your social media handles is extremely important for increasing engagement and reach for your busines

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Social Media Marketing How to Build an Impactful Social Media Calendar

The social media landscape is constantly evolving. A few years ago, you might have gotten away with simply posting on your brand’s Facebook and Twitter pages once or twice a day. These days, you need to be able to develop a strong social media content strategy, execute it, and track its performance.  Naturally, that takes time and work. But between posting, sharing and co

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Social Media Marketing The Improved Social Media Strategy That Boosted Visits by 230%

To anyone who has had to plan and execute a social media strategy, you understand how hard it is to stay on top of the ever-changing social media landscape. Social networks are constantly rolling out new features, and it’s important to distinguish passing industry fads from trends that can spur growth. In this post, I’ll show you that there’s a significant benefit to inve

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Digital Marketing Why You Should Personalize Your Mobile App Marketing?

For mobile apps, messaging is the most essential marketing tool at your disposal. Messaging is your direct contact point with your app users. Push notifications have always been the most effective way to be noticed by your app users and encourage them to open the app and complete your desired conversion. Using push notifications allows you to target users when they aren’t actively using you

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SEO What makes a good website?

People often ask us to explain what makes a good website. Whether we have a list of elements that a great site should have. Unfortunately, there isn’t an easy, one-size-fits-all answer to this. As in many things SEO, the answer is: it depends. What kind of site do you have and what do you want to achieve? Who do you want to target? There are, however, a few best practices that help you get under

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