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Digital Marketing What Is Digital PR and How Can It Impact My Business?

Digital public relations (PR) serve as a steering wheel for businesses, maneuvering the public perception of their brands in the digital space. It is the art of sparking intrigue around your product or service through a captivating narrative that resonates with your audience.

But more than creating a buzz around your brand, digital PR also fosters a co

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Digital Marketing Do People Trust Google When They are Making Purchases?

Suppose you are in the process of setting up an online store. There is one thing you have to know. Google can make or break your business. To word this differently, most of your customers come from the Internet. If they cannot find you, they will not visit your site. Thus, they will not make a purchase. You can have the most fantastic products in the world. However, if you are not discoverable, th

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Digital MarketingUncategorised Crypto Wallet Marketing: Guide & Strategies for Promoting

The cryptocurrency market is becoming stronger every day, and the number of people choosing to transfer their finances to the crypto space is increasing. That is why there is a high demand for crypto wallets that would simplify and make the interaction of users with their money much more convenient. In addition, having a crypto wallet itself increases the security of funds and gives complete contr

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Digital Marketing 3 Things You Need to Do to Become a Manager in an Agency

If you are someone with excellent communication and leadership qualities and unsure about which career to pursue, then a job as an agency manager can be a good option for you.  Agency managers work with their team members to supervise and coordinate all aspects of the agency they work for. They ensure that they set goals to effectively meet their company’s targets while upho

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Digital Marketing The Hidden Power of QR Code Technology in Digital Marketing

QR codes have come a long way. They were invented in the early 1990s to help track individual components in automobile factories. At some point in their life, they were a dying fad. The Apple 11 iOS update and the COVID-19 pandemic forced people to look for contactless options. One of them was QR codes. Since then, these little squares have never disappointed users. They’ve always delivered a

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Digital Marketing What is a Digital Marketing Agency and What Does It Do

Hold on to your virtual hats, because we’re about to take a whirlwind tour through the intriguing world of digital marketing agencies. Think of it as an expedition into the digital jungle, where these agencies are your trusty guides, leading you through the thickets of digital marketing. In this digital age, where the internet is the ultimate playground for brands, digital marketing agencies

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Digital Marketing Revolutionizing Brand Engagement With Gamification

Have you incorporated gamification into your marketing strategy? If you said no, we’re here to tell you all about it! Gamification has become a popular strategy in today’s marketing efforts. By combining gaming elements with marketing techniques, brands can create interactive experiences that captivate audiences, increase engagement, and drive community participation. Gamif

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Digital Marketing Why Are Fake Reviews Thriving, and What Is Their Impact?

The eCommerce market grew exponentially during the Covid era, as people stayed home and spent liberally. Yet there remains a pervasive sense of distrust when it comes to online transactions, meaning eCommerce businesses are having to rely less on customer reviews for social proof. Fake reviews lead to misjudged buying decisions. In turn, leveraging your online reviews can actually negatively imp

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Digital Marketing Best Marketing Strategy for Crypto Projects in 2024

Web3 is the concept of the third generation of the Internet, the so-called “World Wide Web”, which will work based on the blockchain, will be decentralized, and the economy will be built based on tokens. But how the marketing will work on Web3? Today we will focus our attention on crypto marketing and its strategies.

What is

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Digital Marketing Importance of Photography in Digital Marketing

Did you know that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual? According to research done by 3M Corporation, an American multinational conglomerate specialising in healthcare, consumer goods and worker safety, “The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text.” It means 40% of people respond better to an image than a thousand words. This astounding n

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Digital Marketing How to Become a Successful Leader of a Hybrid Team

As the world of remote work evolves, so does the concept of teamwork. Welcome to the exciting realm of hybrid teams, where the blend of remote and in-office talent comes together to create magic. If you’re leading a digital marketing agency with a hybrid team, this article is your roadmap to success. In this guide, we’ll explore the dynamics of hybrid teams and uncover th

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AI MarketingDigital Marketing Future of Digital Marketing: AI Predictions for 2023

Over the past decade, the dynamic digital marketing field has skyrocketed, showing no signs of slowing down. The world is now hyper-connected; digital channels have become the go-to way for digital marketers to connect with their customers. Just think about it for a second. We

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