Do you want to drive more organic traffic to your blog? Who doesn’t! As a blogger, you want your blog to rank high on Google and show up in the results for every relevant search.

With the ever-changing algorithms, search engine optimization (SEO) can be tricky.

But not impossible! It doesn’t have to be time-consuming or super technical, as long as you’re doing the basics for each post you write.

In this article, we put together 14 quick optimization tips that will help you get a head start, even if you’re completely new to blog SEO.

By the end of this post, you’ll learn some invaluable tips so you can stop guessing and start spending your time and resources on what actually works.

Quick SEO Optimization Tips for Your Blog

1. Target the Right Keywords

Keyword research is one of the most important aspects of SEO. This should be the first thing you should look into when you plan to learn how to start a blog. It lays down the foundation of your optimization and you shouldn’t get it wrong.

By targeting the right keywords, you can help Google understand what your content is about. This increases the likelihood of popping up your articles in response to a search.

Here are some tips to target the right keywords

Focus on one keyword per article: Focusing only on one keyword helps you laser target your article for that keyword.

Understand the user intent: To succeed in SEO, you’ll need to understand user intent and target keywords based on it.

What does “user intent” mean?

Simply put, it refers to what the searcher is looking for and expecting to find when they search for those words in Google.

For example, if you sell cat t-shirts on your blog, you’ll need to rank for keywords such as buy cat t-shirtpurchase cat t-shirt, etc. That way users who are looking to purchase your product will likely see your store.

On the other hand, If you’re an affiliate marketer, you can focus on keywords like best cat t-shirts, compare cat t-shirts, etc.

2. Focus On Low Difficulty Keywords

Keyword difficulty is an important metric you need to keep an eye on while choosing a keyword for your blog articles. The higher the keyword difficulty, the more fierce the competition is and the harder it is to rank for.

When choosing keywords, the general rule of thumb is to find the ones that have a decent traffic volume with low competition.

3. Focus On Long Tail Keywords

Long Tail keywords are three or four phrase keywords that are very specific to what you’re selling. They are generally easy to rank because of their low competition.

Whenever your potential blog reader uses a highly specific search phrase on Google, they tend to know exactly what they’re looking for. And if you can create content that matches that search intent, you’ll be sure to rank high!

You need to use these keywords in the right places on your content, for example, in title, description, and subheadings of your content.

4. Use Your Keywords in the Title and Subheadings

There’s some correlation between keywords in the title tag and Google rankings.

Alongside, we recommend you use your primary keyword and its different variation in your content’s heading tags as well.

But don’t stuff your keywords in an attempt to manipulate your site’s ranking because that can have a negative impact.

5. Write Compelling Titles and Meta Descriptions.

Did you know that click through rate (CTR) for your page in the search result is also a ranking factor on Google? For example, if your article is listed in the third position for a keyword and you managed to receive more clicks than the first, you’ll eventually rise to the second or first!

In order to receive high CTR and ensure that you stay on the top spot, you’ll need to write titles and descriptions that grab the attention of the searcher and entices them to click.

Bear in mind that for the title, you only have 55 characters, so you need to give it some thought before you write it.

There are a few things that you need to keep in mind while writing an SEO title and meta description for your post.

Don’t let your title and description cut off in Google. You want the searcher to get the complete idea of what your content is about.

Add your keyword in the title and description.

Never stuff keywords – make sure your writing sounds natural.

6. Make Your Blog Responsive

Google uses mobile-first indexing. That means that it looks at your mobile site to determine how to rank it in search results, even if the search is on desktop.

That means it’s important that your site works well on mobile devices, even if most of your traffic is on desktop.

To ensure this, you need to pick a responsive WordPress theme.

There are many WordPress responsive themes available on the market. You can pick one that you like and install it on your blog.

7. Optimize for Featured Snippets

If you want to get the most out of your content, then it’s smart to optimize your blog to show up in featured snippets.

Featured snippets are shown before the first position, usually in a box with an image, video or a table. They stand out in the search results which helps you to get more clicks.

There are 4 different types of featured snippets that you will come across:

1. Paragraph

2. List (both numbered and bulleted)

3. Table

4. Video

Optimize your content for the featured snippet and you’ll be able to drive more traffic to your blog.

8. Optimize Your Images to Drive More Traffic

Here’s a secret that most bloggers don’t know about: Google Image Search can send a lot of traffic to your blog if you optimize your images properly!

All you need to do is add alt text to your images. To do this, click on your image and specify the alternative text.

Add an appropriate description in the Alternative Text box so Google can recognize what the image is all about and help your potential readers discover it when they do Google image search.

Apart from having an appropriate alt text, make sure your image loads fast. You can ensure this by using a WordPress plugin. This will compress your images and make them load faster.

9. Ensure That You Have User-Friendly URLs

To ensure that you have user-friendly URLs, you need to make sure your URLs are short and descriptive.

If you’re starting out, make sure to change the default permalink structure, so your URL looks shorter and pretty.

Never use URLs that have special characters or dates in your URL. They make them unnecessarily long and ugly.

10. Improve Your Site’s Load Speed

Page load speed is a ranking factor, which means that if you want to outrank your competition you’ll need to make your pages load faster.

Even if the Page load speed wasn’t a ranking factor it’s still important if you are serious about delivering the best quality to your readers.

To optimize your page speed you need to go to Google Pagespeed Insights and enter your URL.

Go through the recommendations and implement Google’s suggestions. This will help you improve your website’s page speed significantly.

You can also install a caching plugin on your WordPress to improve your page speed.

Now that you have the right set of keywords and optimized pages for the best results, let’s take a look at some technical SEO tips.

Technical SEO is done when you want to make sure that your blog is set up for success.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a coder to do technical SEO! You just need to keep an eye out for errors and ensure that things are running smoothly.

11. Create a Proper Content Hierarchy

What we mean by a proper content hierarchy is that you need to build your content in a way that’s easy for your visitors to navigate, and shows Google the relative importance of every page.

Make sure every page on your site is only a few clicks away from your home page, especially your important pages. like a landing page, pillar content, etc.

Use your header and sidebars for linking out to your important pages.

12.Submit a Sitemap to Google Search Console

Submitting a sitemap helps Google understand the structure of your blog, and it also helps Google crawl all your pages.

Google will eventually find any site that’s linked to from other sites across the web. But submitting a sitemap can help to rank your site faster.

13. Install an SSL Certificate on Your Site

We strongly recommend you move to SSL as soon as you launch your blog. Moving to SSL will make your site accessible on HTTPs. In fact, Google also prefers sites with SSL over those who don’t.

If your site doesn’t have SSL installed, then a warning Website not secure message will be shown on the left-hand side of the search bar in your browser.

14. Remove Thin Content

Thin content classifies as any content piece that has 300 words or less. These types of content offer little to no value and Google tends to prefer much longer content.

To fix this, either beef up the content or remove it.


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