5 Marketing Tips to Emotionally Engage with Customers

Maybe you’ve just launched your online business and you’re looking for different marketing strategies that you can use to boost your sales and your revenue. You’ve optimized your blog for SEO, are seeking out user reviews, are engaging with customers on social media and are working on creating engaging content. If you still find yourself struggling to gain traffic on your website, look at the marketing techniques you’re using and consider whether or not you’re emotionally engaging with your customers.

When you engage with your customers on an emotional level and develop a more meaningful bond, you’re more likely to see an increase in sales. In fact, connecting on an emotional level is an Apple marketing strategy! But you don’t need to be one of the Big Five tech companies to effectively use this strategy.

So how can you begin emotionally engaging with customers?

Show That You are Human

Authenticity is the best way to begin developing an emotional connection with your customers. Don’t allow yourself to be a faceless, nameless human that occasionally sends an email newsletter or posts on social media. Show that you’re human. Introduce yourself on your social media accounts. Post an image of yourself and tell some fun facts about yourself. If you have team members, make sure to share their images too!

Don’t be afraid to let your personality show in posts. Tell your own stories and values. Find that balance between professional and personal. If your current posts are void of any personality, it is time for some changes.

Engage on Social Media

Social media is a great way to begin building a community. Not only do social media platforms provide a way for you to share updates about your business, but it also gives you a way to easily engage with customers. Don’t make the mistake of simply posting content and never directly engaging with your customers. You want to be social on social media to start developing a connection with your customers. Show your customers you care and value what they’re saying. Respond to questions as promptly as possible. Even a “Thanks!” or taking the time to like a comment can make a huge difference to customers. If you’d like help with your social media activity, its worth speaking to a marketing agency such as Digitrio that offers a range of marketing services.

Share Exclusive Content

Another way to show your customers you value them and develop an emotional connection is to offer exclusive content to them. There are a few ways to go about this. One way is to hold a contest, where customers get the chance to win something free. For example, you could encourage them to tag a picture of them using one of your products, then hold a raffle. Another way to share exclusive content is by having a customer exclusive e-newsletter, which gives them access to discounts or to updates about upcoming products that haven’t been announced yet. It’s a small way to make customers feel like they are valued.

Learn About Their Wants

The more you engage with your customers, the more feedback you’ll hear from them. Taking the time to truly learn about their wants and needs is another great way to show you value your customers and to deepen that emotional connection. One way to do this is to ask for feedback.

Ask for reviews about your products. Ask them what products they would like to see. Ask them how they feel your business could improve. The way you respond to their feedback also matters. Don’t blow it off or act like you don’t want to hear it. Negative reactions will make them feel like you don’t care.

Never Stop Improving

Once you have that feedback from your customers, use it to make improvements to your business! The needs of your customers will constantly change and evolve. As a business owner, you should constantly be thinking of innovative ways to improve your business.

And most of the time, all you need to do is listen to what your customers want to begin making those improvements.

Listening to your customers and trying to find a way to give them what they want shows your customers that you value them and that you understand who they are. And this emotional connection will have them coming back for more.

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