Trust Builder #1 | Your company logo goes here.

Trust Builder #2 | Your Facebook “like” button showing how many “likes” your page has. Provides social proof “above the fold” on the landing page.

Trust Builder #3 | Your company’s address (provides more credibility “above the fold”)

Trust Builder #4 | Your company’s phone number

Your headline. This page is focused on a self-discovery quiz where the prospect discovers his/her “type”. But if you’re not using a quiz here, you can provide a standard benefit headline here. One example of a long-running headline in this “standard” style: “You’re About To Learn Secrets That Most Men Will Never Know About Women…”

Subheadline goes here. The subheadline adds further description to the headline – showing how fast & easy they can get the benefit promised in the headline, for example.

Call-to-action. For downloadable “lead magnets”, try button text: “Download Now”

Trust Builder #5 | Picture of your authority / “guru” for the product. This gives a human face to your business, giving prospects confidence that you’re a real person with a real business.

Trust Builder #6 | Your authority’s name (and any credentials they may have: JD, MD, MBA, etc.)

Trust Builder #7 | Authority’s affiliated organization. Here’s where you can put a respected organization your authority is affiliated with.

Context images – add nice stock images here that relate to your offer here, to break up the text on the page.

Second picture of your authority, at work. Show a teacher actually teaching on stage, a healer actually at work healing a patient, etc.

“4 Great Reasons to [take quiz, download this checklist, etc.]” | Under this header, provide 4 bulleted reasons for a prospect to take your quiz. Hint at what they don’t know now that your quiz/pdf will help them learn, and how it will benefit them once they learn.

Further curiosity provoking headline, hinting at what your free offer/quiz will help them discover.

“Who is [authority]?” | Tell your/your authority’s story here. Talk about your background/training/back-story and how it supports that you have the skills and knowledge that can help your prospect achieve their goals.

Call to action buttons go here. Use the same text as you did for #7

Footer links go here | You’ll need the following links to be Facebook and Google compliant.
• “About” page
• “Privacy Policy” page
• “Contact Us” page
• “Earnings Disclaimer” page
• “Terms of Service” page

Disclaimer goes here (if necessary). This is often necessary for offers in the health or financial markets.

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